
Lex Arcana - An Empire Without End RPG

Created by Quality Games

Join the Cohors Arcana, Rome’s elite force, to investigate supernatural threats in the darkest corners of the world and beyond!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Lex Arcana RPG UPDATE! [ENG]
about 3 years ago – Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 02:50:04 PM

Ave custodes!

Here's an advance on Lex Arcana!


Within this folder, limited to the Italian side, you will find what is in effect the first official publication of Lex Arcana, 2nd: the solo adventure Raiders of the secret city by Mauro Longo, which appeared in #6 of the italian magazine IoGioco.

Starting page

The adventure is nothing more than the solo version of the one then published in Aegyptus - the sands of time and gold. 

Unfortunately  is available only in the Italian version and, with a little patience , you will also see it in the English (.. it's not at the top of the pipeline).


Luca Scoz’s debut adventure continues its crazy race within Drivethrurpg!

In just a few hours ita has already earned the copper badge! Do you want to find out who is behind the mask? Click on the picture:

If you already got it and want to report typos, ideas or areas for improvement on this document, please write to any changes will then be integrated into the PDF that will be redistributed to buyers.


In the next few hours we will reveal the date on which we will launch the new campaign. 

We remind everyone of the link to be able to subscribe to the initial page at this link and not miss the early bird!

New official adventure for Lex Arcana and news on the launch of the KS! [ENG only]
about 3 years ago – Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 12:27:12 AM


Here below some news about the Lex Arcana world!!!

New adventure on #drivethrurpg: THE ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES

Since this morning, a new Lex Arcana adventure is available for sale @drivethrurpg Quality Games page: the eleusinias mysteries.

Every September, in a town near Athens, Eleusi, are performed the rites known as Mysteries of Eleusis, popular all over Greeceand beyond, even if featuring numerous secrets known only to their initiates.

The presence of the Custodes has been explicitly requested by the local authorities to prevent other, less tolerated cults from infiltrating the celebration: this time things seem to be complicated, because a a delicate and disconcerting case.

Artwork by Giorgio Donato

This adventure contains:

  • a long adventure set in the city of Eleusi, near Athens
  • a deep description of the Mysteries of Eleusis, a series of ancient rituals that are part of the Official Cult of the Empire
  • a description of a new item, the potion of deep slumber
  • stats and description of Sapros, an Eurinomo pack leader, un upgraded version of the Eurinomo’s stats of the Lex Arcana Corebook

Get it here, on drivethrurpg Qualitygames page.

NEWS about the new Lex Arcana campaign

As you know, we have announced the new campaign for Lex Arcana, which will focus on two new geographic sourcebooks, Dacia and Thracia and Italy.

While the revision and layout work is continuing, we had the opportunity to show some illustrations and info on our socials. Do not forget to subscribe the international fb group to stay update and be linked with other players.

Over 400 custodes have already subscribed the pre-launch ks page here!

Don't miss the chance to have a look at the page the day one and to get the early bird!

During last week we had also the chance to present some members of the team, such as Andrea Piparo, who will accompany us along the pages of Italy, showing us obscure mysteries and ancient spells of this province.

Scylla by Andrea Piparo

Per aspera ad astra!

over 3 years ago – Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 11:21:53 PM

Ave Custodes!  

The time has come to announce that Lex Arcana will return to Kickstarter to expand their domains with two new sourcebooks with proper maps and geographical decks: Dacia and Thracia and Italia!

 The scribes Francesca Garello, Andrea Angiolino and Mauro Longo have already developed the setting and adventures, artists Andrea Piparo, Giorgio Donato, Angelica Donarini e Fabio Porfidia drew them, Antonio De Luca is working hard on the covers and the cartographer Francesco Mattioli has already drawn the map for your conquest plans!

                                                              Close the ranks and prepare to win!

                                   Here is the link on the Kickstarter page so you don't miss the early bird


                                                                        click on the picture below

To stay up to date to the campaign develop, remember to subscribe the FB international group
You can find all the free items released here:

Per aspera ad astra!


Ave Custodes!

 è giunta l'ora di annunciare che Lex Arcana tornerà su Kickstarter per espandere i propri domini con due nuovi manuali corredati da altrettante mappe e mazzi geografici: Dacia e Thracia e Italia!

Gli scribi Francesca Garello, Andrea Angiolino e Mauro Longo hanno già consegnato il setting e le avventure, gli artisti Andrea Piparo, Giorgio Donato, Angelica Donarini e Fabio Porfidia

le hanno decorate, Antonio De Luca e’ a lavoro sulle e cover, mentre e il cartografo Francesco Mattioli ha già tracciato le cartine per i vostri piani di conquista!

                                                         Serrate i ranghi e preparatevi alla vittoria!

                                        Cliccate sull’immagine o a questo link per registrarvi alla pagina

                                                        (registratevi per non perdere gli early bird)

Per restare aggiornati sugli sviluppi della campagna, ricordate di iscrivervi al gruppo italiano o al gruppo internazionale, mentre sul sito di Acheron Books da oggi potrete trovare tutti i prodotti Lex Arcana in lingua italiana [Link allo shop].
Tutto il contenuto gratuito rilasciato finora lo trovate qui:

Per aspera ad astra!

Lex Arcana calling! Join the Cohors!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 12:40:12 AM

Ave Custodes!

Dall'inizio di quest'anno Quality Games è diventata produttrice dell'edizione italiana di Lex Arcana, oltre che di quella in lingua inglese, una scelta necessaria per mantenere il controllo creativo e qualitativo di un progetto unico nel suo genere, che ha fatto appassionare il mondo intero con le sue avventure ambientate in un impero romano mai caduto.
Grazie al vostro incredibile sostegno, abbiamo fatto la storia del gioco di ruolo e per ringraziarvi abbiamo deciso di creare una cartella on-line sempre aggiornata dove trovare TUTTI i materiali gratuiti e stampabili di Lex Arcana: quickstarter set, mappe, schede e altro ancora:
Lex Arcana Free Items
E non è tutto. Nei due gruppi Facebook troverete anticipazioni e contenuti per le vostre campagne,
oltre a alla possibilità di conversare con gli autori e agli altri collaboratori del progetto:
Lex Arcana RPG - Cohors Auxiliaria Arcana - in italiano
Lex Arcana RPG - Official Group - in inglese
Iscrivetevi subito, ci risentiremo presto con altre importanti novità!

Per aspera ad astra!

Ave Custodes!
Since the beginning of this year, Quality Games has become the producer of the italian edition of Lex Arcana, as well as that in english, a choice necessary to maintain the creative and qualitative control of a unique project of its kind, which has made people passionate about the whole world with its adventures set in a Roman empire that never fell.
Thanks to your incredible support, we have made RPG history and to thank you we have decided to create an always updated online folder where you can find ALL the free and printable materials of Lex Arcana: quickstarter sets, maps, cards and more:
Lex Arcana Free Items
And that's not all. In the two Facebook groups you will find previews and contents for your campaigns,
in addition to the possibility of conversing with the authors and other collaborators of the project:
Lex Arcana RPG - Cohors Auxiliaria Arcana - in italiano
Lex Arcana RPG - Official Group - in inglese
Sign up now, we'll be back soon with other and very important news!

Per aspera ad astra!

News from the Empire! - Italian and English version
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 08, 2021 at 01:40:59 PM

AVE CUSTODES! - English version below

È un po' che non ci sentiamo, ma eccoci qui, all'inizio del nuovo anno per darvi un po' di notizie:


Nel vostro profilo BACKERKIT sono disponibili da stamattina il Foglio di lavoro e la Scheda del Giocatore in formato PDF editabili: un utile strumento di lavoro per le vostre sessioni digitali!

Potete trovare gli stessi file a questo link di Drivethrurpg e sul gruppo FB della Cohors arcana, nella sezione File.


Dal primo gennaio, Quality Games e’ diventata editore anche dell’edizione italiana di Lex Arcana, oltre che di quella inglese.

Per tutti i dettagli, per favore, leggete questo post:


L’imperatore Teodomiro, dopo aver consultato gli auguri imperiali, sta pianificando una serie di iniziative per i prossimi mesi, per cui state all'erta!

Rimanete in contatto con i nostri canali:

E ai nostri profili twitter e instagram.

Per aspera ad astra!


We haven't heard from each other for a while, but here we are, at the beginning of the new year to give you some news:


In your BACKERKIT profile, since this morning, you can find the Worksheet and the Character Sheet in editable PDF format: a useful work tool for your digital sessions!

You can find the same files at this link of Drivethrurpg and on the FB group of the Cohors arcana, in the File section.


Since January 1st, Quality Games has also become the publisher of the Italian edition of Lex Arcana, as well as the English one.

For all the details please read this post:


Emperor Theodomir, after consulting the imperial augurs, is planning a series of initiatives for the next few months, so get ready!

Stay in touch with our channels:

And our twitter and instagram profiles!

Per aspera ad astra!