
Lex Arcana - An Empire Without End RPG

Created by Quality Games

Join the Cohors Arcana, Rome’s elite force, to investigate supernatural threats in the darkest corners of the world and beyond!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Primi pacchi in arrivo - First packages are on the way
almost 4 years ago – Sun, May 17, 2020 at 04:19:05 PM

Ave Custodes! 

(english text below)

Un breve update per informarvi che dalla prossima settimana inizieremo le spedizioni di alcuni pledge.

Avendo a disposizione presso il nostro service i volumi e lo schermo del demiurgo, i primi pacchi a esser inviati saranno quelli relativi ai pledge INITIATE SENIOR e INITIATE SUPER per i residenti in Europa, esclusi quelli che hanno come add-on oggetti diversi dai volumi.

Nelle ultime settimane abbiamo modificato moltissimi indirizzi in base alle vostre richieste: per favore, fate un check sul vostro indirizzo sulla vostra pagina backerkit, se avete intenzione di cambiarlo scrivete il nuovo indirizzo e mandatelo tramite e-mail a [email protected] entro martedì 19 maggio.

Per i pledge INITIATE SENIOR e SUPER residenti fuori dall'Europa siamo molto dispiaciuti perché’ per ora non possiamo procedere: ci è stata stimata una cifra per la spedizione dei pacchi singoli – oltre 45 euro - troppo costosa e quindi stiamo cercando delle alternative.

Entro fine mese tireremo comunque una linea e prenderemo una decisione, grazie ancora per la pazienza.

Speriamo che la situazione complessiva migliori sempre di piu'. #staysafe

Per Aspera ad Astra!


Ave Custodes! 

A brief update to inform you that from next week we will start shipping some pledges.

Having only the voumes and the Demiurge Screen avaiable, the first boxex to be sent will be those relating to the INITIATE SENIOR and INITIATE SUPER pledges for residents of Europe, excluding those that have items other than volumes as add-ons.

In recent weeks we have changed many addresses based on your requests: please check your address on your backerkit page, if you intend to change it write the new address and send it by email to [email protected] by end of Tuesday 19 May .

For the INITIATE SENIOR and SUPER pledges resident outside of Europe we are very sorry because for now we cannot proceed: the estimates for a single parcels are too expensive - over 45 euros - and we are looking for alternatives .

By the end of the month, however, we will pull a line and make a decision, thanks again for your patience.

We hope that the overall situation will get better and better for everybody #staysafe

Per Aspera ad Astra!

News from the Empire - ITA and ENG version
almost 4 years ago – Mon, May 11, 2020 at 12:42:07 PM

Ave Custodes,

di seguito un po' di avanzamenti sul progetto (English version of the update below)


Nel corso di questa settimana sono stati distribuiti:

  • Paper Minis (PAPER_MINIS)
  • Una nuova versione di Aegyptus, versione ENG, con Bookmarks e indice interattivo (AEGY_ENG_DEF_IN)
  • La versione definitiva dei Pregens Character Sheets (PREGENS_ITA_DEF e PREGENS_ENG_DEF)

Come noterete, abbiamo modificato la parte frontale dei Pregens: vedendo le prove di stampa, ci siamo resi conto (grazie Marco e Matteo C.!) che lo spazio tra le due mezze pagine della parte frontale era troppo ampio, di conseguenza il logo sarebbe stato ‘spezzato’ in modo troppo brutto e antiestetico.

Abbiamo preferito mettere il logo in un’altra posizione ed inserire il nome del Custos e il suo Cursus…ufficiale anche nella parte frontale.

Nel corso dei prossimi giorni proseguiremo con la distribuzione di altri file: stiamo lavorando per rendere tutti i PDF dei Volumi interattivi e la Scheda PG e il Worksheet editabili.

Per ogni domanda potete rivolgervi a 


Come noterete dalle foto (ve ne postiamo un paio), tutti i Volumie il Demiurge Screen, sia in inglese che in italiano, sono stati consegnati al Service che si occupa della distribuzione italiana: per la prossima settimana è previsto l’arrivo degli altri oggetti stampati, ovvero le mappe e i paper minis.

 Per quanto riguarda i pledge relativi alla versione italiana, questo ci dovrebbe consentire di iniziare la distribuzione di tutti i pledge che non prevedono i dadi a partire dalla fine della prossima settimana: ulteriori comunicazioni e date precise saranno fornite al momento opportuno.

Per quanto riguarda il pledge relativi alla versione inglese, la situazione è un po’ piu’ complicata: il Service che si dovrebbe occupare delle spedizioni nordamericane e internazionali attualmente opera in maniera ridotta: nel corso della prossima settimana dovremmo avere informazioni piu’ precise, ma ad oggi non riusciamo a essere piu’ precisi sulla data di inizio delle spedizioni.

Questa situazione è ulteriormente aggravata dall'aumento dei costi sulle spedizioni internazionali, in alcuni casi addirittura triplicati: avevamo infatti pensato, di effettuare spedizioni direttamente dal Service situato in Italia anche per i pledge esteri, ma i preventivi di spesa si sono mostrati insostenibili e troppo elevati rispetto alle shipping fees previste nei vari pledge: stiamo insomma cercando una soluzione in grado di minimizzare i costi, cosa non facile, visto la situazione attuale.

Vi terremo super aggiornati.

Con l’occasione vi postiamo uno screenshot del fornitore che si occupa della produzione dei dadi.

Come vedete, le cattive notizie non riguardano la produzione, ma i costi di spedizione internazionali B2B…sul fronte produzione nessuna novità, stiamo aspettando la resa definitiva dei dadi di prova precedentemente stampati in maniera errata; anche in questo caso, le informazioni dovrebbero arrivare questa settimana.




During the last week, the following PDFs were distributed:

  • Paper Minis (PAPER_MINIS)
  • A new version of “Aegyptus”, ENG version, with bookmarks and interactive index (AEGY_ENG_DEF_IN)
  • The final version of the Pregens Character Sheets (PREGENS_ITA_DEF and PREGENS_ENG_DEF)

As you will notice, we chose a different front part of the Pregens: checking the printing proofs, we realized (thanks Marco and Matteo C.!) that the gap between the two half pages of the front part was too large, consequently the logo would be been 'broken' too ugly and unsightly.

We preferred to insert the logo in another position and insert the name of the Custos and its ‘official’ Cursus ... also on the front.

Over the next few days we will continue with the distribution of other files: we are working to make all the PDFs of the Volumes interactive and the Character Sheet editable and the Worksheet as well.

For any info, please refer to the following ‘things’


As you will notice from the pics (we post only a couple of them), all the Volumes and the Demiurge Screen, both in English and in Italian, have been delivered to the Service that is in charge about the Italian distribution: for the next week the arrival of the others is expected printed objects, namely maps and paper minis.

 As for the pledges relating to the Italian version, this should allow us to start distributing all the pledges that do not include dice starting from the end of next week: further communications and precise dates will be provided at the appropriate time.

As for the pledge relating to the English version, the situation is a bit more complicated: the Service that should deal with North American and International shipments currently operates in a reduced way: over the next week we should have more precise information, but at the moment we are unable to be more precise on the start date of shipments.

This situation is further aggravated by the increase in costs on international shipments, in some cases even tripled: we had in fact thought of making shipments directly from the Service located in Italy also for foreign pledges, but the cost estimates have proved unsustainable and too much high compared to the shipping fees provided in the various pledges: in short, we are looking for a solution capable of minimizing costs, which is not easy, given the current situation.

We will keep you super updated.

On this occasion, we post a screenshot of the supplier who handles the shipment of the dice:

As you can see, the bad news does not concern the production, but the international shipping costs ... on the production front no news, we are waiting for the definitive return of the test nuts previously printed incorrectly; Again, the information is expected to arrive this week.


almost 4 years ago – Tue, May 05, 2020 at 01:00:21 AM


The English interactive version of the Corebook PDF file with bookmarks and dynamic index has been created and distributed to all the "print and pdf" backers who were entitled. 

So if you are an Initiate, Demiurge or Emperor backer, both Junior or Senior, please check your digital download and let us know if everything is fine, file name is CRB_EX_ENG_IN.

The PDF update is on going for all the volumes, both in italian and in english; the volumes will be delivered in the next days, as soon as they will be available.

To respond to the request of some backers, we also divided the Demiurge Screen, this time for both the Italian and English versions, into four separate sheets, always on pdf file, making a printable friendly version.



There are no significant news regarding the production and logistic phase: towards the end of the week we should have some information on the delivery status of the objects and on the production process of the new dice molds, we will keep you updated.



Per tutti i sostenitori della versione ENG della campagna, e' stata creata e distribuita la versione interattiva del Corebook PDF, con bookmarks e indice dinamico.

Quindi, se sei un backer Initiate, Demiurge o Emperor, sia Junior che Senior, controlla il tuo download digitale e facci sapere se trovi il file disponibile, il nome del file è CRB_EX_ENG_IN.

L'update degli altri PDF e' in corso, per entrambe le versioni, italiana e inglese; i file saranno distribuiti non appena disponibili, nei prossimi giorni.

Per rispondere alla richiesta di alcuni backers, abbiamo anche diviso lo Schermo del Demiurgo , questa volta sia per la versione italiana che per quella inglese, in quattro fogli separati, sempre su file pdf, facendone una versione printable friendly, i nomi dei file sono PE_DEMSCREEN_ENG e PE_DEMSCREEN_ITA.


Non ci sono notizie significative sulla fase di produzione e logistica: verso la fine della settimana dovremmo avere alcune informazioni sullo stato di consegna degli oggetti e sul processo di produzione dei nuovi stampi per dadi, vi terremo aggiornati.

Lex Arcana Digital Downloads status
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 11:54:51 PM

Ave Custodes,

here below the list of the Digital Downloads currently available on your Backerkit profile.

To download the files, please follow the instructions below:

1 - log in to your backerkit page

2 - click on the “Digital Download” button highlighted in Yellow

Here the list of the “Digital Downloads” currently available

· COREBOOK, ITA and ENG, Standard and Esclusive version


· AEGYPTUS, ITA and ENG version

· ADVENTURES “Mysteries of the Empire I”, ITA and ENG version



And the following Stretch Goals, ITA and ENG version:


· “The Stone of the Ruteni”

· “Beacon of Hope”

· “From Vesper till Aurora”

· “The Flames of Pompeii”

· “Eye of the Cyclops”

· “The Sons of Caligula”

· “The House of Wine”

· “To live and die in Byzantium”


· “The Art of Healing” and “Potions and Poisons” (unique file)

· “Roman Roads I” and “Roman Roads II” (unique file)

· “Economy of the Empire” and “Coinage of the Empire” (unique file)


· “Aegyptus Player’s Introduction”

“Paper Minis” will be released as soon as possible.

Please let us know if everything is fine and if you have additional request, do not hesitate to write to [email protected].

Per aspera et astra!

News from the outer limes - ENGLISH VERSION
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 01:23:54 PM

Ave Custodes!

With quite a bit of delay compared to the last update, we now give you some news about the project and on the distribution process; we have tried to collect as much information as possible to give you an overall idea of ​​the project status.


A few days ago we distributed through Backerkit, the pre-gens characters pdf, intended as a reward for the Demiurge and Emperor pack.

We have tried to maintain a continuity line with the pre-gens characters of the first edition of Lex Arcana, even if, as you will see, in this new guise the sheets are in color and the opening system is different.

Furthermore, the Demiurge Screen and maps of the Empire and Egypt have also been distributed, also in digital format.

Please check that all these stretches have been sent correctly, their distribution will continue in the next few days.

If there is something wrong or that does not convince you, write to [email protected] and we will reply as soon as possible.


Because of Coronavirus (COVID-19), as everyone knows and imagines, our lifestyle and habits are changing: the situation on our sector, as well as the daily routine of each of us, has been decidedly destabilizing; all the ideas, projects and activities that we have planned in the past months have had a strong and negative impact from this unpleasant situation; now we are trying to face the problems of the past, to overcome this difficult period.

The most important thing is stay safe, so let's not underestimate the problem, stay at home, protect you and your family, we will try to do everything possible to keep you always updated.

We have no comforting news from our suppliers:

unfortunately (and they are things that happen ...) the supplier who deals with the dice production informed us a few weeks ago that the test molds had been produced incorrectly (the so-called GEM Dice had not been made transparently); with the d8 and d12 too large, at the same time.

For the other suppliers with whom we have relationships, in different European countries, the problems that are reported to us are related to delays due to the various lockdowns and to a general slowdown in the production and distribution system, even if the impact of production and shipping times it is not comparable to what happened to the dice.

Finally, for the Service that will deal with the logistics in North America, currently, we are not able to know when it will be possible to start the distribution on site, because it is foreseen a precise date in which all the objects will be ready at the same time to be assembled it is not possible with reasonable certainty, also considering the regrettable and incredible increase in shipping costs that occurred in this period.

We have therefore decided to converge all the objects in a single Service, in Italy, and then continue with the North American distribution when the situation is clearer.

Of course, we will try to facilitate you in the best possible way, trying to deliver the various items as soon as available: hypothesizing to start the shipment in June is plausible for a part of objects, but considering the situation of the dice, it is difficult that the shipment of the Boxes and all content, take place before its end.

The situation is constantly evolving and it is very fluid, we will make other communications as soon as we are able to do it and operations will return, slowly and gradually, to normal.